Runtime Mesh Data

In the past half year or so, I wrote a character-morphing sytem based on interpolation of Mixamo Fuse models. It doesn’t use morph-targets, but instead reads the “render-resources” of skeletal meshes, procedurally modifies and finally re-initializes them. The downside is that I need a lot of mesh-object copies to display a decent number of unique characters. So far I’m rather happy with how well it works though, and my memory hasn’t exploded yet.

Today I actually packaged my project for the first time and got a nasty surprise :frowning:

My packaged project kept crashing pretty much instantly. After some debugging I found out that the render resources are stripped of their “raw” vertex- and index-data. This is kinda bad, because my whole system relies on that data. Basically, the runtime-skeletal-mesh-resource has all the data that the editor version has, except the MultiSizeIndexBuffer is empty, and so are the chunks’ vertex-arrays.

So, can anyone tell me if there is anything I can do about it? If not, I would have to seperately save the vertex/index data inside DataAssets and use those to “restore” the mesh resources, which would be rather inconvenient…