Attach to component and Simulate physics problems


To give you an idea of what is going on, I am trying to make a mechanic where you pick up objects (press left mouse button) and upon release enable physics so you can throw objects around.

I am having a few issues using simulate physics and attach to component at the same time. The main issue is that when I repeatedly press and release it works as intended where the object drops due to gravity and I grab it again. However if I hold onto the object (so it is attached and I have physics and gravity off) for more than ~4 seconds it won’t fall if I let go. Checking the details of the object it says that “Enable Gravity” is on and “Simulate Physics” is off.

Side Note: The object starts as “Simulate Physics = false” but “Simulate Physics” never changes during the entire Runtime even though I am calling “SetSimualtePhysics” constantly (and I make sure that it is being called by visually watching the blueprint during runtime) but the Enable Gravity is changing as intended and the object still acts as if simulate physics is on other than during the mention occasion above.

If anyone knows what is going I would greatly appreciate any help, I’ve run out of ideas.

My blueprint is rather large so I am sorry if it is not nice to look at…


Those two put together:

Stop grapple event called:

Take a look at Physics handles.

detach from parent is redundant, because setSimulatePhysics automatically detaches the component. turning off the gravity is also not necessary, because gravity wont affect things that are not simulating physics anyway. you should replace those deprecated nodes with the more up to date versions, like DetachFromComponent instead of DetachFromParent.

sometimes, physics and movement actions should not be performed during the same frame, but im not sure exactly what is causing the problem, but see if getting rid of these redundant nodes helps.

does the hookedObject have any attachment hierarchy to it?

Okay, I did what you said and changed the depreciated functions and got rid of the set enable gravity nodes. however if I get rid of the detach from component node it will not “detach” as in it won’t fall if I just enable physics. But without the enable gravity on it seems to be working better, however if I pick it back up after letting go it seems to be accelerating downward and snapping back to the correct position.

Side Note for a separate problem do you know why the object will snap back to the location it was released from if I try and reattach it?

please show us your work first.

“if I get rid of the detach from component node it will not “detach” as in it won’t fall if I just enable physics.”

it should just fall if you enable physics, because that automatically detaches the component from its parent.