Terrain measurement doubt

Hi, so the other day I made a terrain with the ue4 tool. Im not really sure of the configuration but once I did it I scaled it up to 10000,10000,1000. When I go to top view and measure it, it’s around 7.500.000 x 8.000.000…Which divided by 100 to get the KMs is 75km x 80km…
Thing is, I can walk the 75km in 2 hour at a speed of 1200 which seems quite unrealistic. Is this the way it works? Is it actually 7km x 8km? If I put it in 300 (walk speed) I think it takes around 8 hours …

It depends on the size of your initial terrain. Landscape with resolution of 505 will be 505x505 meters at default scale.

Al right, so you mean that I have to multiply the initial terrain resolution by the scale that I applied to it?

bump ▲▲▲▲▲

bump ▲▲▲▲▲

THe terrain ‘resolution’ should show up under the menu, just go to:
Landscape ( mtn ) > manage > change component size.

The values there, are how many MxM it is. That is your answer.

You may have moved on, or found it yourself, but you didn’t make that clear so I felt obliged to help.


Hey there Neighborlee, I gave up on getting an answer long time ago lol
You mean the “Overall resolution” I suppose, multiplying it by 100 (10000 divided by 100 which is the starter value of the terrain) gives me 82000 mts, 82KMs. So I guess the measurement tool is working as intended, the standard speeds (300 for walking) are just too fast, no man can walk 82 km in 8 hours. Obviously games dont need to be full realistic but is always good to know, am I right?.
Thank you for taking the time Neighborlee, GL

I’m asking on forum ( url above ) regarding my question on the seeming inconsistency regarding measure in viewport ( terrain KM: side view) and the math noted to get to measurements .

Per here: Calculating Exact Map Size - Content Creation - Unreal Engine Forums
The overall resolution ( editor, on left side, NOT viewport, side view) IS indeed meters, so to get KM you just take it times .001 and you get Km’s
Only trouble that’s adding confusion for me anyway, is when I look in ‘side’ view in my viewport for terrain, its clearly ‘4’ KM, not 5 given the :
|_______| KM measurement .
I’m still in the dark for my situation of height, as the engine is VERY inconsistent about the MMB in left view working at all.
I’ve received so much help over time, that ‘giving back’ is a no brainer…feels good to all.
I’ve never had time to look into walk speed so into editing till I get what I want.
Where are you getting the ‘1200’ walk speed, and what is that based on ?

Sorry I dont check my email so often, didnt knew you would respond again. Have you find an answer in this couple days?

I have no experience with the vertical meassurements. I imagine that a good way to check would be to make some models with certain heights and then measure them in the side view. Im probably gonna do the same here with the X and Y, just gonna make some box with 1x1km and another one with 10x10km.

In my case, the terrain I was using wasn’t in its preset form, I scaled it up so I didn’t knew what to trust. And then there was the inconsistency with the speeds. I know that I can walk 1km in 10 minutes, meaning that I can walk 6km in an hour. Based on that, if I could walk 80km without taking a break and dying or dying in the process it would took around 14 hours.

I did this 8 months ago so my memory is fussy, Im trying to re-do the experiment again and for some reason my rule of three calculations are not working. Like, lower speeds are giving me faster times so I have to figure this out again and I’ll let you know.

You mean why did I picked 1200 instead of another number? Its a good sprinting speed, not too fast to be a vehicle but not slow as most sprints you see in games. In the engine 300 is the default walk, and I think some use 600 for the sprint.
I literally sat down for 2 hours pressing the W key, my arm was getting numb for real what an idiot LOL Then I started increasing it to 12000 and 120000 and then dividing the numbers afterwards or thats what I remember. I also used 1200 because, its a multiplier to 300 so it makes the calculations easier.