Xcode using 20+ GB of RAM with UE4?

Hey there,

I’m somewhat new to UE4, as I’m taking a course on udemy to start learning. However I’ve been using Xcode for quite a while (C++ projects, swift, etc.) but for some reason when I create a new project in UE4 and it opens Xcode my computer starts to slow down. Activity monitor shows Xcode is trying to use 20+GB of RAM somehow, my Mac only has 8GB so the rest goes to swap.

Here is a screenshot of my activity monitor.

My Mac is a late 2013 15in with 8GB of RAM, a 2.0 Quad-core i7 and intel iris pro integrated graphics.

This is an issue with Xcode 8 Beta rather than UE4 and as such you should report it to Apple.

I got this issue after updating Xcode 7 to Xcode 8.

Yeah. Sadly, Apple did not fix this problem yet. If you wait long enough (how long depends on how much memory your Mac has), it’ll finish indexing and return to normal.

The other workaround is to delete UE4_Index target in UE4 project here, but by doing that you’ll disable syntax highlighting and auto complete for the engine source code.


I had submitted a bug about this to apple, the bug was just closed, a fix is in, and will be included in next build for xcode

when will this build be available :frowning: I am stuck…

This appears to now be fixed with today’s release of final Xcode 8.1. For me, memory usage now stays below 2GB vs the 40GB+ I was seeing with Xcode 8.0

Issue is resolved in xcode 8.1