Is There a way to lerp between 1 and -1?

I need to lerp between to floats, the input gives 1 and -1 as value but it doesn’t work on the alpha from lerp node, since it gets values between 1 and 0, is there a node that i can go between 1 and -1? thanks

You can use the lerp node. Just right click in the editor and write “lerp” and it will come up.

Add 1 and -1 as the top parameter and then use the alpha to lerp between them.

i’m already using this node, there are values on the A and B that i need, but i’m trying to make the alpha that i’m using (that goes from 1 to -1) to work on these alpha channel (that goes from 0 to 1).

the value of alpha that i get is a input from a camera forward vector, the Z value, it ranges between 1 and -1, in the lerp node i’m putting the min speed value on A and the max on B, i’m using this vector as alpha because i need the velocity to change between A and B whenever this input value is changed, when it is in 1 it goes one speed and -1 another

Sorry :frowning: ok i think that worked, thanks!

That does not make sense though. It is like saying -100%. What effect do you want?

Ok, your English is a bit lackluster, but I think I understood you.

You can simply do this:

Take the input value and add 1, then divide by 2 and feed that in as alpha.

Then please accept the answer.