Missing UE4Game binary on Mac using 4.12.5 in a blank C++ project with no content, cannot cook content

I created a blank C++ project with no content and it fails to cook content with

Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:

I have looked and searched through the hub and search engines with no luck.

To not really answer my own question, but provide a possible solution. I was able to package the project then cooking worked after that. As I said above, cooking does not work right after creating the blank C++ project and opening it in the editor. Hope this helps someone else.

Hello AddictArts,

I don’t usually Cook Content directly in C++ projects, but if I remember correctly, you must build for Development (Not Development Editor) before being able to Cook Content as it generates the necessary binaries. Packaging does this by default so that would explain why you would be able to afterwards.

Thank you, yes that was the missing piece. Thank you. I was using “Launch this level …” from the editor and in my C++ a UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel((), which necessitated the cooking.