Binary to source

Hello, I have a project that I have been working on for a while now, It has been through many Engine updates and always pulled through, I think I might of broke it now though…

Basically, I’m trying to get dedicated servers to work on my Project using the 12.5 Engine but for that, you need the Source engine.
As I originally made the project using Binary converting it over to Source just didn’t go as smoothly as i’d anticipated and now when I try to compile the project via VS I get these errors:

And when I try to compile the Project within the Engine, The compile button does nothing, no success or failure message, no indication that it is doing anything.

Things I have tried:
Refreshing Visual Studio Files (Multiple times)
Reinstall Visual Studio 2015 (Multiple times)
Convert an older backup of the project (Tried with multiple backups)
Delete Intermediate, Binary folders (Multiple times)
Rebuild,Clean,Build the project (Multiple times)
Reinstall the UE4 Source engine with different versions (Multiple times)

Has anybody got any other approach that I can take? Thanks!

Forum Post:Binary to Source - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums

Does anybody have any idea’s, still not able to solve this.

This is an error that I get when trying to compile a fresh project with a fresh install of VS2015 and UE4.12.5,
The engine builds fine but when you try to build the project, this is what I receive.

I hate bumping things but I’m still stuck on this, I’ve put a lot of my time into this project and I would be devastated to lose it, so for the probable last time;
does anybody have any information that may point me to something I haven’t already tried?

Thanks all the same!

Hey TheMunky,

Have you tried running Visual Studio as Administrator? I ask because the error is saying it doesn’t have permission, which is usually Windows way of saying, “You’re not the admin”.

This works now but thank you for taking the time to comment :slight_smile: