Render differently or post process objects inside an area


How could I go about rendering an area of the world differently, similar to a post process volume but in a 3D area of the world instead of the player’s camera? I tried to mess around with post processing but I’m not very knowledgeable in this area.

For example, what I am trying to achieve: there’s a moving sphere centered in the player; objects outside the sphere are desaturated, and objects inside the sphere are saturated. I could go with film grain or tint too, not necessarily desaturation. The context is that you are in a sort of memory flashback and you have a ‘memory zone’ that makes things stand out.

One way to approach this would be with dynamic material instances. You could make all the materials support your desaturated look based on a distance from a point that you provide to them via blueprint or code. I am thinking that you could use material parameter collections for this (based on what I have read, haven’t delved into that myself).

The basic idea would be to send the players position to the parameter collection, and in your materials you would be checking the world pixel position against that parameter you sent, and desaturating the pixel if it is within a distance you defined.

Hope that helps!