Is it possible to import json, assets, at runtime

I’m trying to evaluate Unreal as a solution. Can UE load from the web at runtime, json data, assets including geometry and textures, and save data out to the web?

For example, I have an object that when clicked it opens a window. Using data imported from web json it presents replacements in window. Object is replaced by user choice. data is saved to web.

If possible, considering all of the amazing things UE does I’ll be surprised if it can’t, which is best, Blueprints or C++?

I put an example together in Unity and now it’s UE’s turn. Any tutorials or guidance offered is greatly appreciated!

As for BP, you can try compiling this plugin for newer engine versions, although I’ve never had a use for it: JSON Query - Game Development - Unreal Engine Forums


  • Post to any URL
  • Get JSON data from any URL or string
  • Create your own custom post data with the Create JSON Data node
  • Get and set object/string (array) values in the post data, by key

As for C++:

FJsonObject is an available class in C++, along with IHttpRequest.

FJsonObject: FJsonObject | Unreal Engine Documentation
IHttpRequest: IHttpRequest | Unreal Engine Documentation

Both work out of the box and here is a simple example to get you started:

Hope this helps!

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