Why does pressing any button while holding another one down automatically releases the former?

Say if I wanted to have a function attached to the A-key and another to the B-key, if I hold down the A-key I want it to execute function number 1 and when I release it function number 2, regardless of whether I press and release the B-key or not in the meantime (which has its own functions).

Currently, pressing the B-key while holding down the A-key, automatically releases the A-key.

In general that would not be the behavior I would expect to see. You can test this by making a simple project with an empty level and binding A and B to input events in the level script and see that they behave independently.

I have to assume that what you’re doing when pressing B is somehow causing a FlushPressedKeys to occur. Without knowing the specifics of what happens when B is pressed I can’t make a better guess, but that’s where I would start.

Ah, sorry I just noticed that I disabled the input on the player in another blueprint and that’s why it didn’t register me releasing the A-key. It does not, in other words, release the A-key automatically.