Separate camera yaw.

I’m trying to have separate yaw locks in ue4, I have a first person and 3rd person mode, 3rd has its yaw unlocked so the camera would spin around and the character wouldn’t which is intended, and then the first person mode has the yaw locked so you wouldn’t be able to see behind the camera which is basically the character’s face, I’ve managed to do so but when I jump back from 1st to 3rd back again it stays locked, is there a possible way of locking yaw only for that camera, I’m a beginner so do excuse me for my stupidity, thanks in advance.

Hey Creedness!

Have you tried setting the ViewYawMin and ViewYawMax when you switch between modes?

An example I would use when I switch to third person mode :slight_smile:

Hope it helps!

Turns out I was really dumb, I figured it out.