Why are my View Aligned Reflections stretched around the edges/too small?

I’d like to get some help with a thing here, please.
I’m trying to use view aligned reflections to create a unique, constantly shiny gold kind of effect here, but for some reason the actual reflection texture itself is shrunken and stretched around the edges.

An alternate texture was used here to better show where it starts and stops the stretching. It looks like it’s actually trying to tile itself once or something, but I’m not too familiar with this yet.
What I want to do is to scale it to fill the entire sphere. Is there any way to do this?

Please keep in mind that this is for a very stylized and static shiny look. I am not after realistic reflection maps at all.

Hey Chaofanatic -

I would suggest going into the actual ViewAlignReflection function and alter it to fit your need. Something like this:

The Highlighted nodes are what you should add into the function. WARNING: I would begin with creating a new Material Function copying the contents of the ViewAlignReflection then alter the new Function.

Thanks -

Eric Ketchum

Thank you very much! I’m still getting used to the fact that I can control just about everything here. I didn’t even realize I could go into individual functions and change them on this kind of level!
Maybe I’ll be able to figure it out now.

Unfortunately I’m still unable to figure it out. I’ve managed to scale it and realign it so that the edge of the spheremap matches up with the edge of the mesh, but I still can’t get rid of the stretching. Sorry, but if anyone has ever done anything like this before, I’d appreciate the help.

Hey Chaofanatic -

So I have been trying to eliminate your stretching problem and have come up with a few suggestions to try out and see if this fixes your issue. First, In the original viewalignedreflection material function. You can eliminate what I posted yesterday and simply change the Constant 1 that connects to the Mult. and Add before the Texture Sample to an input Constant 1 and it will serve the same function and on the texture I am using that helped remove some of the texture stretching. The reflection vector itself is what is creating the stretching around the edge of the sphere. So, I am looking at what you posted and it seems to me what you want is to add a “reflection” that is consistent no matter the viewer’s angle and not distort around the edges of a 3D object, please correct if I am wrong. You may want to try just adding a direct texture sample into the emissive and attach a ReflectionVectorWS through a Component Mask (RG) into the Texture UV.

Let me know if that pushes you in the right direction.

Eric Ketchum

Thank you very much! That’s what I was after!