ThirdPersonBP is sliding when playing another animation

Using infinity blade assets I am able to create a small level for my training with UE4, I am using Mouse x input for attack on my Character, however when I press both forward and hit button my character is sliding instead of walking can anyone help? Please encourage this rookie… I usually do not get any answers… :frowning:


Hey, I am not familar with these assets but what is most likely happening is that your AnimationBlueprint is not working with the animation you are playing. You most likely just play this animation by hand and override the AnimBlueprint temporarily.
Again, not too familar with the asset or how you play your animation.

I would suggest reading into Animation Blending, Animation Blueprints and maybe watch this tutorial series, it handles setting up a third person project with lots of good animation stuff in it. I am pretty sure your problem will be covered in this series.

Thank you will look into the links and Tutorial, Thank you1