How to solve the error undefined

there is a error shown “undefined” when ever i created a c++ class ,this happens only for the new projects

whatever i created the widget, HUD… it always shows the same undefined error

Hey Karon-

Can you elaborate on the “undefined” error that you’re seeing. Is this showing up in the editor or in Visual Studio? Can you give an example of what causes the error and, if possible, provide a screenshot of the error itself?

i have tried to attach userwidget to the hud class file ,i tried to acess that user widget it shows “undefined” error in the ue4 and my visual studio is full of red marks in the editor but the code is correct how to resolve this?

If you are adding a widget in code, please make sure that your Project.Build.cs file has "UMG", "Slate", and "SlateCore" added to the PublicDependencyModuleNames section along with any necessary includes (the header for UserWidget can be found at the bottom of the linked page). If you are still unable to compile your code, please provide specific information about the class you are trying to add your widget to.

Hey Karon-

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.

i find this error
the error is in visual studio to plugin a ue4 in the setting it is already installed for me but also it shows the error to find the plugin to uninstall it and to reinstal the ue4 in the plugin mean its will be perfectly working they dont shows the error again
thanks for reply