MyCharacter and animBlueprint compiling

Every time I compile my MyCharacter I have to compile animBlueprint as well or my code won’t work. Is this a bug?
Inside the animBlueprint I call a few MyCharacter’s variables. Is that the reason?

Hi Alex3d,

Since your animBlueprint uses some of the variables in your MyCharacter Blueprint, then yes, you would have to recompile animBlueprint anytime you recompile MyCharacter.

This is a pain in the a**!!

I don’t really need to change anything. All I need is just switch between tabs (MyCharacter tab and animBlueprint tab ), and I will have to compile again. Even without editing anything.

For example: I compile MyCharacter Blueprint, then I compile animBlueprint, if I switch tabs, and go back to MyCharacter, even without touching anything, I will have to compile animBlueprint again, or the code will not work!!! And this is a bug!!!

Hi Alex3d,

I tried to do a simple reproduction of what you described, but I was unable to see that activity. Would you be able to provide a few more details? What version of the Editor are you using, and are you using an Editor compiled from Source or from the Launcher? Are you able to make this happen in a new project from one of the templates? Can you provide the steps that you are taking to set up your blueprints so I can attempt to follow the same process?


I will try with a new template and I’ll get back to you.

I tried with a new template, and I was not able to reproduce it also. So, it I thought that it is only with my project.
Then I went to my project and tested it. I was able to reproduce. So, I decide to record a video, showing the problem, and I start to record it. Suddenly, I am not able to reproduce it anymore. And I didn’t do anything to change the behaviour.

Hi Alex3d,

I’m glad to hear that the issue seems to have stopped. If you notice it again and can find a way to reproduce it in a new project, please let me know.

Ok. Thanks for your attention.