Why can't I override a virtual function in Blueprint?

So I made a Class Blueprint called BasePotion, and 2 derived blueprints which are a health and a mana potion. The BasePotion blueprint contains a function called UsePotion. The problem is that we cannot use our UsePotion function we overrwrote for the HealthPotion and ManaPotion.

It has no exec on the node to connect to. It cannot be called because of that.

I met the same problem. Is there anyone can tell me how to solve the problem that the override function doesn’t work? I will appreciate any suggestions!Thanks

Hey, came here for the same problem.

Acording to this thread:

It seems all methods are virtual, so it’s strange that it doesn’t override the method.

But there is a part of the post that says you might see a different behavior if your Overridable method returns something, can you try that and let me know if it worked for you?