How to hide Landscape with blueprint?

Can someone give a simple visual example of how to hide Landscape with blueprint? It can be based on a player distance or just triggered in any other way.

Thank you.

P.s. Please don’t suggest world composition! :wink:

Hi Cryptaline,

While you can set the landscape to hidden in game through the level blueprint, I would recommend against this. It is much more performant to load/unload sublevels containing your landscape. You don’t have to use world composition to do this, simply using level streaming should be satisfactory. You can find more information on level streaming here:

Can you suggest what to do when I unload Landscape with LevelStreaming and all AIs drop down? I want them to stay/move where they were when Level was loaded. Thats why I’m thinking of “Hidden”.

Seamless world with AIs palced in it. The idea is that I can hide a few landscape sections and reduce performance cost, however I don’t want to unload all AIs placed within these hidden sections (because they should “travel” all around the world), for that purpose I will use “LOD Desired max draw distance” for all units I need.

What is your end goal? Can you give me context as to what you are specifically trying to accomplish? This may help to determine what course of action would be best for your use scenario.