Why does MOVE_NavWalking disable collisions?

While trouble shooting a navigation issue we switched the MovementMode to EMovementMode::MOVE_NavWalking. This was done to prevent characters from getting stuck on corners and objects in the map.

However this has an unexpected side effect that it prevents our trigger volumes from generating overlap events. We use these to do things such as hide the roof when a player enters a building.

I tracked this down to:

    void UCharacterMovementComponent::SetNavWalkingPhysics(bool bEnable)
    	if (UpdatedPrimitive)
    		if (bEnable)
    			UpdatedPrimitive->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldStatic, ECR_Ignore);
    			UpdatedPrimitive->SetCollisionResponseToChannel(ECC_WorldDynamic, ECR_Ignore);

It seems odd that a movement mode changes the collisions on a Pawn. This causes lots of side effects on the rest of the games logic.

Is there a way to get the effect of NavWalking without the side effects?