Unable to parse search result; OnlineSubsystemSteam

In our online game we’ve come across an issue where sessions are sometimes not parsed correctly for no apparent reason.

We get this in logs:

LogOnline:Display: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyUpdate LobbyId: Lobby [0x1860000956B6C8E]
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Found 1 lobbies, finalizing the search
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Search result 0: LobbyId=Lobby [0x1860000956B6C8E], LobbyId.IsValid()=true, CSteamID(LobbyId).IsLobby()=true
LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Unable to parse search result for lobby 'Lobby [0x1860000956B6C8E]'

I ran the debugger and caught this in the file in which sessions are parsed (in OnlineSessionAsyncLobbySteam.cpp) and noticed that some of the keys are missing, often the first one, which is the build number used to prevent different game versions from connecting. It wasn’t a different number though it was just 0.

I checked on the other end that they data was being pushed correctly, and it is. I can confirm the build number and everything else is correct without issue.

This is an intermittent issue, not always occuring. Also, I have a unique steam game id, I’m not using 480 or any other test id.

What are the possible causes of this?

did you manage to fix it ?