Problems loading from a savegame

I’ve read the documentation on saving and loading, and tried to make it work. Saving appears to work, but I’m having trouble loading. I’m unclear on if I should be using the variable from the savegame casted as my custom blueprint class, or a savegame casted to an object of that class.

I’m attempting to save an array of “Card” objects to the “Deck” array. The Deck array is part of my save class.
Right now it seems to save successfully, and when I load the savegame and check the array (which is default empty), it shows as having the 8 objects I saved to it. When loading it again though (pic2), and doing Get on a Card in the Deck, the Card’s variables are all defaults. Is the issue with the way I’m saving/loading, or am I doing something else wrong?

Here is my saving setup:

My loading BP:

And my custom BP save class:

I’m still not entirely sure about the how or why, but instead of saving a “Card” object, I tried saving the member variable of the object instead, and I was able to save/load this successfully.