Unreal crash

Hi Guys,

I have a very complex game in Unreal Engine that consists of 5 different maps. The player can switch between these maps by clicking on a UI icon however when I test it in the editor and try switching maps Unreal crashes and sends me this message: “map not cleaned up by garbage collection”

Does anyone happen to know what does this mean and how to fix it?

Thank you


Could you please cause the crash to occur again, and provide the following information:

  • The logs from your project’s Saved->Logs folder
  • If you are getting a crash reporter window, provide your Machine ID and ensure to hit Send & Close on the report.
  • Are you able to reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  • If so, please provide a detailed list of steps.


I added a “Remove from Parent” node after a UI icon is opening another level and it seems to fix the problem. It’s not crashing anymore. Thank you anyways.