C++ 4.13 project won't build SceneComponent Error

I’ve recently updated my project from 4.10 to 4.13 preview… I’m currently facing a problem while building the project… after updating the code due to several warnings for example, using AttachToComponent rather than AttachTo and using SetupAttachment in Constructors… while building there seems to be a reference to a null pointer giving an Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000001. The component it is making reference to is “CharMoveComp” and its being thrown under UpdatedBounds() function. Not sure what I’m doing wrong here, any points as to where to begin would help a lot.

I have recreated the issue with a new project… Once I start a new 2d side scroller it keeps crashing when initializing the CharMoveComp , as the project I had previously working on 4.10… if anyone has faced this problem, any advice is more than welcome!

This is the error I get when I create a project from the launcher. After creating a 2d side scroller template it automatically brings up this error and when I try to build the code in C++ I get the initial error I put up on the question.

I keep bumping, this is causing a headache, I’ve tried creating a new project from start, I got this message when I first created the project.