Line trace get bone name

Hey Guys

I’m trying to implement a projectile system in my fps shooter.

I have the following setup

BaseCharacter (Where my Mainplayer and enemy is inherited from)
BaseProjectile (Where I’m trying to implement the damage)

When the BaseProjectile has an overlap, it checks whether this is of the BaseCharacter class and if so, it fires a line trace from the hit location, to obtain the bone name from the mesh. Whatever I have tried I cant seem to get a bone name from the mesh. Im using the free animation starter pack mesh with the physics assert.

I have attached a photo of the projectile blueprint, and of the collision settings in the following:

Projectile Blueprint

Projectile Sphere Collision settings


BaseCharacter Capsule Collision settings


BaseCharacter Mesh Collision settings


I’d check the display name of the component you are hitting to make sure you’re actually hitting a skeletal mesh. If you are in fact hitting your skeletal mesh, and you’re still getting “None” back as a bone name, then something is seriously wrong. I suspect you’re not actually hitting it though.

I know its a bit late but I thought I would answer in case someone came looking for an answer for how to get a bone name from line trace like I did.
in the character mesh collision settings its set to ignore visibility traces I set that to block and it started working for me. I also tried setting the trace channel to camera but it just came back with the collision sphere so I gave up on that.

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