Problems with SetRelativeRotation

Sorry for my bad English ;D
Hope someone could help… I guess im doing something very simple very wrong again.

I rotate my Camera aroud my Character wich works fine if the Pitch I set for “SetRelativeRotation” is unequal 270
e.g. OurCameraSpringArm->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(280.0f, Rotation.Yaw, 0.0f)); - this is working fine!

But when I set the pitch to 270 to watch exactly from top the camera beginns to spin like crazy wich is caused by wrong values in Roll and Pitch (snapping from -180° to 180° and back again(the springarm component)).
Is this a bug or am i just too stupid ?
btw i deleted my asset an created it again from c++ class wich can cause somethin similar i read but its not fixed for me, by just readding the asset ; ( .

All i do for Camera Rotation is

if (bYawTheCamera) {
			FTransform NewTransform = OurCameraSpringArm->GetRelativeTransform();
			FRotator Rotation = NewTransform.GetRotation().Rotator();
			Rotation.Yaw += CameraInput.X;
			OurCameraSpringArm->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(270.0f, Rotation.Yaw, 0.0f));


Why i try this is to debug my character rotation(i disabled the rotation stuff at this moment to find whats causing this SetRelativeRotation problem), wich gets off when pitching and yawing the camera (i rotate my character to mouse position) …

FVector mouseLocation, mouseDirection;
		APlayerController* MyController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
		MyController->DeprojectMousePositionToWorld(mouseLocation, mouseDirection);
			//rotate 10 degrees around y axis
		FVector YAxisRotatedVector = mouseDirection.RotateAngleAxis(10, FVector(0, 1, 0));

This fixes the pitch Rotation (otherwise the mouse position and character look at rotation drift apart).
But when i try to fix the yaw rotation by rotating the Vector like I did with the pitch, it doesnt work.

ok now i use FHitResult for character rotation so i dont need to rotate the mouseposition … but would still like to know whats wrong with the rotation of my camera springarm when set to 270

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