Packaging with Nativize BP crashes

I’ll describe the crashing call stack below.

First is the call stack:

And the details:

[1] UActorComponent* USCS_Node::GetActualComponentTemplate(UBlueprintGeneratedClass* ActualBPGC) const crashes because ActualBPGC is nullptr.

[2] It is nullptr since previous call has a failed Cast.

			if (ComponentTemplate->HasAnyFlags(RF_InheritableComponentTemplate))
				ObjectToCompare = Node->GetActualComponentTemplate(Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(BPGC->GetSuperClass()));

The cast here failed since BPGC's super class is a C++ class, not BP generated class, so it failed.

[3] This node is the DefaultSceneRoot of this Actor; this Actor is of BP class, and it’s parent is a C++ class.

I’m not sure how to modify the code to make it work, but I suspect that this is kind of buggy, since BPGC's super class is not guaranteed to be BP generated.

Hi I tried to replace DefaultSceneRoot with a Scene Component and it works, so should I do this for all my Actor-based BP?

I’d highly recommend replacing the DefaultSceneRoot with a Scene Component, as this is typically what I’d do with my own setups.

However, as there is a crash occurring, could you please provide a detailed list of repro steps or a project that is crashing so that we can get a bug entered for this, as a crash is never intended behavior. Thanks!

OK, the steps is like:

  1. Make a C++ class inherits Actor
  2. Make a BP class inherits previous class
  3. keep the DefaultSceneRoot there

Package the project with this kind of class, with Nativize enabled of course, then you might encounter this crash. I say ‘might’ since it looks like not every Actor with this setup make Nativize packaging crash, but at least I replaced many DefaultSceneRoot with Scene and there becomes no such crash.

I have been unable to reproduce the crash following the steps you’ve provided. If you have a simplified test project that is experiencing the crash, please zip it up, upload it to Dropbox, and provide a download link. Then we can go ahead and get a bug report entered.

Thank you!


I am marking this topic as resolved for tracking purposes, as we have not heard from you in a few days. If this issue persists, feel free to respond to this thread. For any new issues, please create a new Answerhub topic.

Have a great day