Animation Blueprint fails to access variable from Actor Component

I have several animation blueprints that are failing to access a variable from inside of an Actor Component. It seems to only happen when the class is spawned into the game, but not if it’s already in the map. Is there a reason why this is happening?


where are you setting up Health System variable in BP_Spyder? May be it have no varibale assigned, when u trying to access it via Anim?

Did you ever figure this out, renderman09?

I had to figure out a workaround, because for some reason animation blueprints don’t like to pull variables from actor components. I’m not sure if that was just a bug with 4.9 or if I was setting up that system wrong. As a temporary fix I just created another “Dead” variable on the character BP that would update through a dispatcher on the Health System component.

can you check if the output of cast isValid? (As BP Spyder)

then, can you check the same on getHealthSystem? (if it’s isValid)

i am pretty sure it is something solvable. let me know the above so i will think of something.

I’d say it is likely down to the Cast To BP_Spyder failing.

I’m having a similar problem as I cannot get a reference to the Owning Actor from an animation blueprint.