Accessed None when destroying two instances of same blueprint

I have two instances of an object that when touch each other, both get destroyed. For that, I do :

I run a for loop to find which one is the other instance so that the one that is touched is destroyed first, then the one running the collision detection is destroyed. The issue is that the first item is destroyed without bugs, but the second one gives three errors:

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access ENemy1_91 via property None, but ENemy1_91 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_EnemyContainer’ from node: ForEachLoopWithBreak in graph: DestroyFusedObjects in object: EnemyContainer with description: Attempted to access ENemy1_91 via property None, but ENemy1_91 is pending kill

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_EnemyContainer’ from node: ForEachLoopWithBreak in graph: DestroyFusedObjects in object: EnemyContainer with description: Accessed None

Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_EnemyContainer’ from node: ForEachLoopWithBreak in graph: DestroyFusedObjects in object: EnemyContainer with description: Accessed None

have you tried OnOverlap, Destroy Self?

because your method is destroying each object twice: they are both destroying the other, then destroying themselves.

That was it, thanks :smiley: