Destructible child actor transform bug

Placing destructible component in BP and then using it as child actor in other BP. Works in editor, bugged in standalone.

Steps to reproduce (including project zip):

  1. Create a BP (Prefab) with destructible inside.
  2. Place a multiple Prefabs into other BP (Composite) as child actor.
  3. Place Composite into scene.
  4. Play in editor, then standalone.
  5. In standalone destructible transform is broken and sometimes flicker or disappear.

Minimal project:

engine 4.12.5

Hi wongfei,

Thank you for the report. I’m unsure of when this was broken and then fixed, but it is working properly in 4.13 Preview 3. I tested it by creating my own setup and also converting a copy of your test project.

I don’t know of a workaround that will fix it in 4.12.5. I would suggest converting a copy of your project to 4.13 when the official version is released for development.



Thanks, I’l check it.