Error while using steam_api.h on Linux/OSX


Whenever i try to include the steam_api.h on Linux(or OSX) i get this error that:

ARRAY_COUNT is already defined in UnrealTemplate.h

Any workaround or fix for this issue?I Need to use the steam_api header file to use SteamTypes.


Do you have

#pragma once

above your #includes?

Yes i do, do you think removing it would fix the issue?

(ATM i have no Linux installation on my PC)

Definitely do NOT remove it.

I’ve done no work on Unix platforms, so I’ve got no other advice at the moment, but am interested in a response myself.

Here’s a workaround :
NOTE : you will need the full engine source code

1 - go into \Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool and then Linux/LinuxToolChain.cs

in line 303 remove the flag -Werror (this will not treat warnings as errors)

2 - for OSX go into the Mac folder and then MacToolChain.cs

line 123 do the same thing (remove -Werror flag)

now instead of an error i get a warning which should at least make the code compile

steamtypes.h(98,9): warning : 'ARRAY_COUNT' macro redefined [-Wmacro-redefined]
3>  #define ARRAY_COUNT(COUNTER) CLANG_ATTR( "array_count:" #COUNTER ";" )
3>          ^
3>  Runtime/Core/Public/Templates\UnrealTemplate.h(98,9) :  note: previous definition is here
3>  #define ARRAY_COUNT( array ) (sizeof(ArrayCountHelper(array))+0)

Thanks a lot for sharing this. Not sure how many hours I would have spent tracking this down, you’ve really saved me some time :slight_smile: