Is it already possible to load uncooked assets?

Hello everyone! I found some topics like [this][1] where devs promised in 4.12 it would be possible. But I still can’t find the way to do it.

I guess the solution is more complicated than Cast(StaticLoadObject()) because you can’t use relative paths…

Development binaries require cooked content - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I have entered UE-35282. We hope to have this feature working as soon as possible. Please feel free to reply here if you’d like an update.


So sad it still doesn’t work)

I never promised ever being able to do it. The only thing I mentioned for 4.11 was we were making cooking be more deterministic (which it is pretty good now).

We hadn’t planned on doing this ourselves exactly. We are, however, investigating a hybrid “monolithic w/ DLLs” build that could make the editor mostly monolithic, and get you maybe what you want? I will not promise a time frame, as I’m not working on it :slight_smile:

Maybe what OP wants would just to release editor binaries, but stage the uncooked content into a directory as if it was the cooked content… There’s a bunch of code in UnrealAutomationTool that makes staging directories, coming from cooked, but could likely come from Content instead.


it’s obvious I need to level up my engine proficiency to understand what i’ve just read. Don’t mean to be rude but what connections between monolothic whatever and getting object references from absolute paths. I doubt packaging does format changing so there could exist the way to adress to objects out of package.

Gonna check UnrealAutomationTool tho)

Maybe you have a different use case than the other post. Can you explain what you are trying to do, and maybe I can help figure out the best way.

Generally, loading from an absolute path isn’t the right way to be doing things… assets are expected to be in your project, or in a content plugin that you’ve added in…

Loading cooked vs uncooked is pretty unrelated to pathing…

Generally, loading from an absolute
path isn’t the right way to be doing
things… assets are expected to be in
your project, or in a content plugin
that you’ve added in…

That’s exactly i’m working on! ) And since my first post I already digged up to fbxsd. Hope this Model loading in c++? - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums could help me understand the right way.

I would like an update! It is nearly 4 years later, Surely it is working by now??!!. Right?

Thank You