How can I blow up my actor upon impact?

I created a new fly project, and tried to make the UFO blow upon hitting, so I created a destructible mesh of the it and placed it into a new blueprint, I then used the spawn actor node to spawn the new bp upon hit and destroy the original actor, is this the correct way to blow up the main pawn ?

I then used the “add radial force com” node to add a radial force to the new spawned actor (the one with dest. mesh) and this blows up the UFO upon impact in 95% of cases, but sometimes it bounces of the surface and the force is only applied upon hitting the ground (the dest. mesh has simulate physics and gravity enabled), I can’t understand why this happens, why the force is not applied upon hitting the wall in 100% of the cases ?

I have noticed that the bug occurs more frequently if the UE4Editor has more used RAM.

Any hints ?

Try destroying the pawn before spawning the new fractured actor. That way when the fractured mesh comes in there is nothing colliding with it. Make sure the logic is taking place inside the AI controller so everything fires off correctly.

Thanks! I also had to use the “add radius damage” to actually blow up the dest. mesh.

There is a node that detaches a controller from a pawn pending its destroy. Try searching “Pending” to find it.