Pawn can't make noise

I want to make noise when I trow objects which my AI will hear.I want to use Pawn for object and pawn noise emitter. If you know other method to make this please tell me.

Pawn make noise, Make noise and Make noise (Target is Pawn Noise Emitter Component) can’t make noise if I use them in Pawn BP. With Character which is Pawn type i haven’t problem, it make noise and AI hear this, but pawn is impossible. My Pawn have PawnNoiseEmitte. I try everything. Now I have no idea how to make this. In the forum no one can answer on this question and so now I think it’s a bug.

This is on my character very simple but work

The second, here i try everything

And third here is AI, It can hear my character , but pawn can’t.


You need to give the Noise Event a Noise Instigator, which would be the actor that you’d like to cause the noise.

In your case a reference to self in the ThirdPersonCharacter would work fine. I’ve just tested this now and it seems to be working as expected once I added in the instigator.

Let me know if the issue still persists after that.

Have a great day

Is this actor “Self”? “StatickMesh” can not be set nowhere.
I can’t make this pawn to make noise, but my TPcharacter with no instigator, cast to or something can

Sorry for my bad english.

That’s interesting. Could you please zip up the project and provide me with a link to download it from Dropbox? I’d need to take a closer look at your setup in order to determine what the issue is, as there are a number of things that could be causing it.

Can you make screenshot how to connect “Make noise”, please.

After investigating your project, this is not a bug.

Here is the change that I’ve made to NewBlueprint:


Finally, you’ll need to go into your ThirdPersonCharacter2 blueprint, select the PawnSensing component and disable Only Sense Players, as this is why you weren’t able to hear the noise coming from your non player-controlled pawn.

Have a great day

hey, alt textI have the same problem, yet I’ve done what you said already, alt text

The printed string says Sphere over and over again and my pawn blueprint there is absolutely nothing called like that