Blueprint - Particles Set Parameter

In the Event Graph of a Blueprint that has Emitter components attached.

How do I set a Parameter on a Particle System.

Basically, I would like to set one Emitter on the System to Inactive, while the rest are all still active.

I tried using Set Actor Parameter, and have the Particle System as the Target, and put the EmitterName for the ParameterName slot. But I’m not sure what to do from there.

can u upload a pic of your current blueprint setup?

Well if you are just wanting to deactivate a particle system component you will want to make a BP function library for

Particle System Component.h (doesnt work with actor component->Deactivate)

virtual void Deactivate() OVERRIDE;

But if you have a variable to an actual emitter you should be able to use

the Activate/Deactivate that are for all Actor Components

Here’s a pic showing that it does work :slight_smile:

Make sure to turn off “Context Sensitive” if you’re not seeing the Actor Component options

Ya, I have a ref to the particle system, but I only want to deactivate 1 emitter on it at first. It is named BaseAdd. You can see the ParameterName in the Set Actor Parameter, I just wanted to set it to not be active.

You can see elsewhere in the graph that I am both hiding and setting the Activate and reset status to the Components already. Looking for granularity into one of the Particle Systems to just modify one of it’s emitters.

I think this will work fine though. I can just split up the Particle Systems into smaller ones if I need different parts to turn off sooner.

yea I dunno how to deactivate individual emitter modules of a particle system :slight_smile:

hopefully actor component->deactivate can be made to work out for you :slight_smile:

I have it close enough for where it needs to be right now.

oooh very nice, thanks for sharing!

when I saw you mention “cat” in other post I wasnt sure… but this pic confirms it!

cant wait to see more of what your game isa bout :slight_smile:
