Unreal Engine will not let me open project

Ever since I updated Unreal Engine 4.12, I can’t open my document that has a ~ at the end. It says its not valid, They changed this and now it doesnt work. I want to rename my document but Unreal now shuts down my whole computer!

I changed the name to SEAAcademyOfficial, but it still shuts down my computer.

Hello Tetsumi96,

As this is causing your entire computer to shutdown, the best way to get logs would be to use the Windows Event Viewer. Can you follow the steps on this page to get the logs from Windows? It should be able to give us an error code that will explain why this is occurring.

Also, can you test opening a new project to see if this is only happening with the project that you’re mentioning?

Yes, I cannot use Windows Event atm, since I am at school, but I can confirm that I can open a new project and it works. It is only happening with this project.

Will you have a chance to transfer this project over to another computer where you can use the Windows Event Viewer? You could also check the log files for the project under the project folder’s Saved/Logs directory. They may not contain the information we need depending on what is happening but it’s worth a shot.

Oh, so I am a Mac User. Is Windows Event Viewer specifically for Windows?

Plus, I can’t find the log files.

The Windows Event Viewer is specifically for Windows but from searching there seems to be a similar program for Mac OSX called Console that you can use to get logs. Also the Activity Monitor. I’m not quite sure how helpful the logs would be but it may be able to give us an error message we can look up.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, tetsumi96. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, have you been able to get any logs? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.

I will definitely work on this when I can! Currently I am in school and focusing on my studies, which is why I haven’t been able to reply in a while. Thanks for getting back to me and I will talk to you as soon as possible!

Unreal updated and my program is now working!