editor camera movement speed

i find that the speed for camera movement in the editor a little to fast when creating a small environment because some bsp brushes don’t connect to other brushes leaving a small gap and i need to select that face inbetween the gap but when moving the camera speed is too fast for me to be able to select said face as it moves as if it was running a marathon when using WASD is there any way i can change this?

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There’s 2 ways you can adjust the camera speed, either by rolling the mouse wheel as you move or by using the drop arrow and slider to adjust the camera speed lower.


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thank you so much upvoted you :slight_smile:

How i set default the change. in baseEngine.ini? With what name?

Is there a way to change the default value from 4 to 2 ? I always have to change.

Thanks! This is what I have been looking for.