Physics Constraint doesn't work anymore, after I attach one Component to another Component!?


I’m creating a Game, where you can Attach different Components together, and I’ve added also wheels. The problem is that every time I attach the part of the wheel that Holds it, it basically just stops being constraint, even though the constraint is not set as broken. It just behaves as it wasn’t constraint, and I have no clue on how to solve this. I thought about adding a child to the Base, and constraint the Wheel there, and then simply attach the base, but the proiblem is, that since this child component is the Bases Child, it cant push it away leading to strange wiggling of the wheel. Does anyone know how to fix this, or a way to create a wheel without a physics constraint. (possibly an easy way, and not the vehicle wheel class, since it doesnt work the way i want it to, sadly).
Thanks for your help.
