TwinStick Character Rotation

Hello Guys, i have a problem, I’m creating a simple twin style game but i’m not getting a smooth rotation with mouse, the character rotates waging a lot. Can someone help please? Aove my note to rotating:

My input config foe mouse is:


LookVertical = Look Up/Down
LookHorizontal = Look Right/Left


Remove one the mouse x and mouse y. By default UE4 determines X and Y to be both positive and negative. If you move the mouse right its positive X and left is -X same for Mouse Y move mouse up its Positive Y and move down its - Y Both of these are on a scale of -1 , 1 and 0 meaning no movement.

Also, When using a mouse with a Twin Stick Control scheme you want your character to look at your mouse cursor. If you want help setting that up just let me know.