Cloned input devices


We’re building a project for HTC and I’ve been using the “input action and axis mappings” to setup the mappings for the controllers. Problem is that I want both controllers to respond to the same mappings, however this doesnt seem to currently work inside of UE4. We imagine the problem is that after a “pressed” event is triggered from a specific key on an input device the very same key cannot send another “pressed” event until a “released” event is sent (this happens despite using both MotionController (L) / MotionController (R) as inputs). This is natural if all input keys are actually unique, but in our situation, or any situation where you have two or more identical devices to control the same actions this doesnt work. In VR it’s very common to have mirrored input across both left and right hand controllers, but it’s also easy to imagine an xbox with two controllers setup to control the same player or a computer with two connected keyboards in which scenario the same is bound to happen.

Although it’s possible to get around this issue by mapping separate functions for left and right and selecting “consume input” etc unfortunately the overhead for this workaround quickly grows rather complex and hard to maintain and it’s frustrating to have to deal of this for every single mapping, especially when prototyping new input behavior. Not sure why not more developers have reported this but since at the least VR input devices are becoming more and more important for UE4 we hope this issue can be resolved as soon as possible.


Hello ,

After reading over your post it sounds like you would like to have your Action mapping fire in multiple blueprints at the same time. I would suggest unchecking “Consume Input” for the action mappings. I have provided an example below. I hope that this information helps.


This example is in the level blueprint for the First person example. I have used the default “Fire” Action mapping. After Unchecking “Consume Input” The print string and the gun (setup to use this action mapping by default in the first person example) will both fire off.

Make it a great day

Thanks for the reply and for the example.
However, if you raid my post I specifically said that “consume input” doesnt solve this problem…
I’ll try to provide an example how to replicate the issue if it helps

Hello ,

Could you provide an example of your workflow so that I can better understand the issue that you are having?