Possible to change Engine/Saved location? (linux)

Using the latest github master, on linux:

ie, if I install to /opt/ue4/4.12.15/ I get the following directory structure


Seems that UE4Editor always writes Logs/*.log to the root install directory of /opt/ue4/4.12.15/Engine/Saved/Logs/UE4.log. Same for config, crashes etc.

I would like to make these unique per user, or at the very least redirect them to another location.

Is there an obvious way I’m missing to do this? Thanks.

Hello partytime_-

You can use FPaths to retrieve specific directories for both games projects as well as the engine. You can find the documentation on how to use FPaths and available functions here: FPaths | Unreal Engine Documentation


Any way to override the default FPath to ‘Saved’ via a config file change, environment variable, command-line argument, etc. that doesn’t require recompiling? We would prefer to have UE4 binaries reside in a -only directory structure for our particular use case.