DDC Documentation Example Incorrect

I was setting up a shared Derived Data Cache, reading along with the docs I wasn’t able to modify my default remote ddc.

I realize now that the section title in the defaultengine.ini is labeled incorrectly.

as per this page: Derived Data Cache | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

The section title should be


But digging about on other websites, I find it’s been changed/updated to:


I’m sure other people are having issues with this also, please update it when you get the chance. thanks, Litruv.

Hi Litruv,

Are you saying that [DerivedDataBackendGraph] in the example should be changed to [InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph]? Can you provide a link to one of the other websites where this is stated?



Hey , Hourences.com – Tutorials – UE4 Quick first tips

Ctrl+f: Shader Cache

Yeah, nothing seems to override the settings other than [InstalledDerivedDataBackendGraph]

you can run the project with the command line to force the DDC, but it doesn’t seem to stick when running the project on its own again.

I think what would be more appropriate is another section for DefaultEngine.ini per project.

I’m yet to test it if it works with the BaseEngine.ini (other than me adding extra defaults that I can use with the command line running the project (really inconvenient)

Hi Litruv,

Thanks for the response. I’ve entered the following request to have the documentation updated: UEDOC-3563. When this has been addressed we will update this post.
