Make a mesh simulate Physics AND rotate it

I want to make a coin that is constantly rotating (like in Mario) but it should also bounce around (while always staying upward, not tilting to the side).
Whenever i enable physics for the coin, the rotation that is applied to it doesn’t work anymore.
Can I just have one, not both?

How would you go about creating that thing I need?

Hello DavidM,

If you would like to rotate an actor that is simulating physics, you could do so by using “Set Physics Angular Velocity”. You will also need to lock any axis that you are not going to be using (example below).


Make it a great day

Hi Rudy, thanks for the help.

I already have it like that. But the moment I simulate physics, it ignores the rotation.
I let it rotate like this:

So how can I have it bounce around and still rotate?
Using the “Set Physics angular velocity” like you said I do it like this now:

But it doesn’t rotate a bit. What am I missing?

Hello DavidM,

You may want to check your MassInKg to ensure that it is not too heavy to be moved by the amount of force that is being applied by your Set Physics Angular Velocity node. You can do this by Checking the check box and setting the mass to a low number like 10. If the actor still does not spin, you may need to check and make sure that you have not locked the wrong axis.

The mass makes no difference - I tried 10kg and 1kg, it never rotates.

I removed the constraints, that also made no difference.But this is just the moement axis - is there some rotation constraint I have overlooked?

I noticed that you are referencing and actor. Could you make sure that you are referencing the static mesh that is apart of that actor?


That sounds like the right thing. But I’m lost as to how to do that. I’ve go this:

The coin with the house symbol is a static mesh component.

The hover text for the coin:

Could you provide the project that you are using so that I could take a closer look?

What files exactly do I need to provide? For sure not the entire thing (1gb+)

Ok I solved it: Problem was I used the dropdown to choose YZ plane instead of setting the checkboxes.