How can I move one pawn from a set location to another in a space environment?

Is it currently possible to have a pawn move from one set location to another in a space environment. So far the few things I have tried have all required a navmesh and as its space there is no ground for the mesh to generate from so it ends up a no go.

Right now I am just looking for basic ai movement of a ship from one spot to another.

Thanks for making the topic more clear. I am still looking for a way to do this / if it is even possible with the current AI.

If nav mesh only works on a surface, what you can try is to create a series of Nav Mesh planes(invisible flat boxes or whatever) in your 3D space. The AI should be able to move around the planes using the Nav Mesh and if they need to move up/down, then they choose to move to a new plane.