Particle system fade(color over time)

I’m trying to make these cloud particles fade in and out over the course of their lifetime. Can any of you offer any explanation as to why it isn’t working? and or offer any help? I went through the answer hub and corrected a few things but no luck.


You are using mask instead of transparancy, which is either on or off.
You can use a dither node, but for clouds that wont give a good result.

try transparency (which is way heavier though)

How do i get that node in the material blueprint?

In the four days (or even the last seven hours) that this was answered, you could have:
Googled “ue4 material dither”, visited the ue4 material compendium, wrote “dither” in the material editor search box, learn that the material editor isnt the blueprint editor and learn that “material blueprint” does not exist, and learn that there is a ditherTemporalAA node.

Yes but you said that a dither node would not render a good result. Hence the question as to how to access the “transparency”, couldn’t find anything in the palettes or in the material info that is called transparency… hence the question

as to my terminology missuses what evs sorry XD

ahh apologies.
|n the material node image you had, where it says “Blend mode: masked”
set that to Blend mode: Transparency

This definitely helped! it got the fade in i wanted thanks!