How to save information of UEdGraphPin in 4.13?

Since in 4.13,UEdGraphPin is no longer a UClass but a normal C++ class,so how can I replace these code to save information of my custom node’s Pin info?

	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> InputPins;

	TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> OutputPins;

From looking around the 4.13 source, it looks like you’re supposed to use the Pins array declared in UEdGraphNode instead. I ran into a similar problem and replaced the properties with functions that look through Pins and return either all of the input or all of the output pins which seems to have worked. See USoundCueGraphNode_Base’s GetOutputPin and GetInputPins for an example of how that might work.

Really thanks for your answer!
Although I used another way to solve this but the idea is still like yours.And your answer is also a good way so I set as right to help other people with this problem