4.13 UEdGraphPin UPROPERTY Compiler Error issues

Hello all,

I have a plugin that used to declare something like this:


TArray<class UEdGraphPin*> OutputPins;

In 4.13 when I compile the code, it errors out complaining that it should be UStruct or UClass type.
In order to get around this, I have to temporarily comment out the UPROPERTY() line.

What am I missing here and how should I go about resolving this?


From looking through the 4.13 source a bit I think you’re just supposed to use the Pins array declared in UEdGraphNode instead of keeping track of that yourself now. So for output pins you could have a function that returns an array where you search through Pins looking for any pins with direction == EGPD_Output. Look at USeoundCueGraphNode_Base::GetOutputPin for an example.