Set Default Transform Rotation Values in Editor Broken?

If you create a transform variable in a blueprint, and try to set the default rotation values in the editor, it jumps to different values.If I try to insert 90 as the value for x,y,and z, after pressing enter either the value I enter changes to something else, and or other values change. Enter values, compile, save, open variable and try changing values again. Try resetting everything to 0 for location and rotation and 1 for scale, compile and start over if necessary.

Enter 90 for X in rotation, 90 for Y, then 90 for Z.

In addition, values have a habbit of jumping to .9999 values or near, instead of staying at 0’d out values, instead of 90, u will see 89.999954

Noticed in 4.12 as well, not sure about earlier versions.

That is not at all the main issue, that was just an after the fact issue I noticed ‘in addition’ to the actual issue. Everything above the ‘In addition’, is the main issue. Can you not reproduce it?

Hi ,

If what you are seeing is small rotation value changes as you describe in your post (89.999954, etc.), this is expected behavior. There is a floating point error that occurs in computational software. You can find more information on Floating Points here.

Unfortunately no, I have not been able to reproduce this on my end.

  • What specific values are you setting and what are they changing to?
  • What steps can I take to recreate this on my end?
  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • Are you setting this variable in any other part of the blueprint or calling/setting from another blueprint?

Still happens in 4.25 and I think it’s expected (some quaternion / gimbal lock thing? maths…), the values change wildly every time you click on them but the end result shouldn’t matter (even if 0,90,90 becomes -82.874969,90,7.125023)

One workaround, if you want more predictable values to look at, is to not type in exact 90s e.g. (0,89.9,89.9) will keep the values closer to what you typed in.

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