Camera mouse control: that can pitch up/down, rotate, and is drag to move

Hello. I want to setup my camera to work like in a god game “Black and White” [I made a 1min video demostrating camera movement in that game.][1] I can’t figure this out, even though a [nice person in forums gave me instructions on how to get started][2] to find the mouse position.

Camera Goals:

1) LMB + Drag the mouse on any surface to move the camera around in the world.

2) MMB - scroll wheel - zoom in and out

3) MMB + Click and hold, then move mouse left or right - to rotate the camera around the cursor

4) MMB + Click and hold, then move mouse up or down - to pitch the camera view

This is my current blueprint, is this even correct? And what should I do next to achieve these camera goals?

Have a great weekend everyone :)!