Editor: keep tabs in parent window / moving multiple tabs

  1. I can’t figure out is why when I have several tabs open (some in the main windows, and others in a secondary parent window, that the tabs seemed to get switched up when closing and reloading the project.) Some will load up in parent window, sometimes, while the rest all open in a secondary window together.

Is there a way to keep the tabs in the window they are assigned? Even when having several open in 1 main window in the ue editor, when closed and restarted, many tabs gets thrown into a secondary tab window when restarting.

*Ive noticed with 4.13 for some reason my option to restore tab in load/save gets unchecked as well - not sure if this is only after a crash or not.

  1. Is there a way to move multiple tabs from a secondary window, into the main window?

Its very frustrating to open, close, and reopen projects when the tabs continue to show up in different order and windows, and without a way to move several tabs or all tabs to the main window, from another parent window (tab group).

I have asked around and have the restore asset tab option selected in load/save, but other than this I cant seem to find a way to really save my editor state with tabs in the windows and order I closed the editor in. This doesn’t seem to promote a great workflow when trying to continue from where you left off with 4-10 tabs having been opened.


The first issue exists for quite some time now. I have no idea why this is not being fixed, it is such an obvious bug. Maybe this should be posted in the “bugs” section to receive more attention.

Go to your Editor Settings → General - Appearance and look for the option “Asset Editor Open Location”. Here you can change in which window new tabs appear.

I know this is an old thread but I hope this helps those who are still having the same problem.