Cloth with no material

Hey guys!

I created my character with cloth in Blender, and used the APEX Clothing Tool to make the cloth. It simulates fine, but it just have no material.

I mean, it has and it apears perfecly on Persona when I deactivate cloth simulation. But when I activate it, it just turns black.

Cloth Disabled


Cloth Enabled


  • My cloth material has the “used with cloth” checkbox enabled.
  • I don’t know if it helps, but in Persona, when I check “isolate” only on my character, my cloth disapears, but when I check “isolate” only on my cloth, everything disappears. It’s like it can’t detect properly my cloth

I’d appreciatte any help =)

Anybody? No clue or even a guess that could help?

Try previewing in game, Persona’s lighting is not exactly “Accurate”
If it’s still black and gross looking, it could be that your dynamic shadows aren’t at a highest resolution.

To fix this select your light source (usually the directional light) and find the Number of cascade shadows.

Hope this helps!

And to the lack of responses? It could have been lost in the massive amount of problems reported every hour.

Or there could be a similar question somewhere.

Or the people who saw this didn’t know the answer, or didn’t want to guess.

Thank you so much, Haflurgaflur!
It didn’t work on game preview either. I’l try what you told me.
I know there are a lot of issues and this could be a repeated question. I swear I searched a lot and didn’t find anyone with similar problem =/