Apex Cloth has extremely low frame rates in UE 4.13, does anyone know what the problem is?

Hi guys, I recently downloaded UE 4.13 and converted my project. My averaged fps in UE 4.11 was 31fps with a character that has 3 cloth objects at about a 1500 triangle each. But in UE 4.13 I’m getting an averaged of 5 fps with when all cloth objects are active and 14fps if a single cloth object is active. If I turn off all apex clothing the fps goes up to about 36fps in ue 4.13, that’s the frame rate I usually get in 4.11 if there is no clothing as well.

The fps drop in 4.11 is only 5fps, but in 4.13 its drops more than 30fps. Does anyone know what the problem could be

a bit of a visual, the cloth is on the hair and shirt around her waist


I have moved this into the Bug Report section for further investigation.


Just wanna say, that’s lookin pretty rad

I’ve done some testing regarding this issue and couldn’t recreate a large loss of frame rate.

For my test I used 61 apex cloth actors all spinning in place and analyzed the Stat Unit Information, GPU profiler, CPU profiler and re-analyzed after converting to 4.13.

To get more information regarding what may be incurring your performance loss I would check out this video:

That video will show you how to get detailed information on what specifically is causing your project to slow down. I would also test to see if this frame rate drop occurs when you compare a 4.11 blank project with only apex cloth to 4.13.
